Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Pintrest Tuesday –Table Repair

Sorry for the delay. I was having technical difficulties -my pictures were not uploading...
Welcome to Pintrest Tuesday!!
This week I repaired our kitchen table.
A few months ago I placed a hot bowl on the table and it "burned" the table
I remember seeing something on Pintrest that would fix/remove it.
Here is the pin I found.
It is on my Cleaning Board
So.. I tried it
and it didn’t work. I guess not all the pins on Pintrest are helpful.
So I tried another one…
This blog called for Mayo. We didn’t have any mayo in the house. We HATE mayo.
The blog mentioned that the oil works it’s way into the table…
So I tried Coconut Oil
I left it on for a couple hours..
And it worked like a charm!!
It even looks shiny and pretty. I love it.
Until next week!
Keep pinning and crafting!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pintrest Tuesday- Monogram Bling

Welcome back to Pintrest Tuesday!!
This week we have Monogram L! From my Leia's Room board.
I saw this pin while browsing Pintrest and I knew it was perfect for Leia's room.
I want to do a groupings of L's both for Leia and Landon's room.
**monogram wall pic**
Something like this...
You may (or not) remember my veil dilemma and I ultimately decided to make my veil, well I had some beads left over and I thought it would be perfect. I already had the beads, they were pretty and Leia could have something from my wedding in her room!
This pin doesn't have a tutorial and basically goes nowhere. But it's pretty self explanatory... buy the letter, paint it, glue beads on, done. I had all the supplies so this project cost me nothing but time to find all the stuff.
I painted my letter (from Hobby Lobby about $2 I think), make sure you paint were the beads will be too just in case. Then I took some E-6000 and very liberally put it where I wanted my beads. (Tips: do this in a well ventilated area -this stuff is stinky! Also do small sections at a time -it will dry fast and your beads won't stick).
Then just let it dry!

And here it is!!
I like this so much I'm thinking about doing a "H" for the house. I still have some beads left over (I swear these beads are never ending). When I get the rest of the letters done I'll show it off.
Until next week!
Keep pinning and crafting!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pintrest Tuesday

Welcome back to Pintrest Tuesday!!
Today we have Baby Legs!! The first pair of Baby Legs I bought WAY before Leia was born. I LOVED them! Basically they are leg warmers for babies. They are very hard to find here in Arizona. I mean what baby needs to keep their legs warm in the hottest state in the country?! But I thought they were adorable and pink argyle! Clearly I don't use them to keep her legs warm but they are excellent for protecting her knees when she is crawling around on the floor. I don't remember what I paid for them but I'm guessing about $4-5 a pair!
Anyway, Leia is almost always wearing Baby Legs so I had to find a cheaper and DIY way to get her more Baby Legs.
Enter Pintrest!! This pin is located on my SEWING board.
I again followed the instructions from the website and
They are made from knee high girls socks! And about $2.50 a pair! Yeah buddy! Target has a ton of really cute styles and colors. I also made a pair of green and blue argyle ones too (not pictured).
Here she is showing off her latest fashion accessory!

Sorry for the half naked baby pictures.
The tops are not really my favorite I'm sure I can figure out a better method but for now I love them! And they do their job which is to protect my kid's knees...
See you next week!
Same bat time, same bat channel!!


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pintrest Tuesday

Welcome to Pintrest Tuesday!!
Every Tuesday I will be posting about something I made from one of my Pintrest boards.
The idea is that I blog more and finally start creating things intead of just pinning stuff.
So... here we go!!
I thought I'd start with something simple from my Pintrest recipe board.
It was a farely easy recipe. Here is how mine turned out.
I won't bother including the recipe you can go to the original site for that. It was delicious.
Even Nick loved it; and it's hard to please Nick.
So there you have it. See you back next week!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Twelve Months Old

Leia you are ONE year old!!!
Sleep: You sleep through the night almost every night until around 6:30-7:00am.
Feed: You eat just about every thing I give you. We are working on self feeding. You love graham crackers, gold fish and Ritz crackers. It took you a while to pick up mushy foods on your own but you're getting the hang of it now.
Weight: We went to the doctor today, you are 17 pounds 7 ounces.
Length: You are now 28.25 inches.
Diapers: You are still in a size 2 diaper.
Clothes: You are in 9 month clothes and 12 month jammies.
Hair Color: You are still a red head! You are getting more peach fuzz too!
Eye Color: Your eyes are still blue, but I am still hoping that they will turn green like me and Daddy's.
Milestones: You now crawl all over the place! On occassion you put your head down and crawl in turbo speed. So cute!! You can walk with help. You don't love the walker anymore, you'd rather get around on your own. You love pulling the dvds and books off the shelf and taking toys out of baskets.
Your Favorite Toy: I'm not sure you have a favorite right now. You love just about every thing. Daddy and I call you Hurricane Leia. You can destroy a room in about 3 seconds flat.
03-09 First night in new house and crib
03-17 First St Patrick's Day (Last first holiday)
03-25 First injury (you fell off the couch face first)
03-25 First time down a toddler slide
03-30 First Birthday Party!!